Bitters-Making Workshop (September 2017)

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Bitters-Making Workshop (September 2017)


How did bitters go from traditional digestive medicine to quirky cocktail ingredient? Reclaim ancestral digestive medicinal knowledge and make your own bitters in this hands-on workshop.

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Sunday, September 24 || 2:00-5:00pm
The People's Food Co-Op
|| 3029 SE 21st Ave
$55 || Space is limited to 15 students

In this 3-hour workshop, learn about the history of bitters, their physiological effects on your body, and ways to reclaim their original medicinal purpose. We will cover the effects of different herbal ingredients, and ways to use bitters in non-alcoholic settings. We’ll also cover the tools, processes, and basic formulas for making bitter tinctures at home. Participants will co-create a snack using bitters as a liquid spice rack, taste a variety of commercial bitters, 24+ single ingredient tinctures, and will blend two batches to take home.


Rebecca Reilly is the Food Science Coordinator at OMSI. She has worked in science education for 15 years, in every setting from public school, US Peace Corps, non-profits, urban farms, science camps, and museums.  She has an MA in Teaching in Diverse Contexts, has co-written two books of curriculum, and loves to teach people of all ages the science behind their everyday knowledge.