Reading Mary Ruefle (July 2017)


Reading Mary Ruefle (July 2017)


Using the Art of Poetry and Lecture to Reclaim Ourselves

Has the decay of curiosity, openness, naivete, vulnerability, honesty, inquiry and self-awareness contributed to the rise of fascism throughout the West. Poets help us process world events. They bring us closer to the important work of now. Poet Mary Ruefle is who we need to help us regain these things. Bestselling author of 10 thoughtful and deep collections of poems and essays, Rufle's most recent collections are an ideal model for how language can used to explore, engage and inquire. She is one of America's hottest and most compelling poets and her work could not be more relevant.

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Taborspace, Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm

July 6th to July 27th


Poets help us process world events. They bring us closer to the important work of now. We can attribute the rise of fascism to a decay of curiosity, openness, naivete, vulnerability, honesty, inquiry and self-awareness. Poet Mary Ruefle is who we need to help us regain these things. Bestselling author of 10 thoughtful and deep collections of poems and essays, Rufle's most recent collections are an ideal model for how language can used to explore, engage and inquire. She is one of America's hottest and most compelling poets and her work could not be more relevant.

Week 1: Introduction to Mary Ruefle

An overview of Mary Ruefle's work and the place it holds in the context of the current poetry landscape. Together we will look at some of Ruefle's earlier work, and her erasures. A close reading of one her poems will give us some insight about her poetic impulses/style/voice. Readings for this will be assigned prior to our first meeting.

Week 2-3: Trances of the Blast (Wave Books 2013) + My Private Property (Wave Books 2016)

Together, we will read and discuss selected poems and prose from Ruefle's two most recent collections alongside "Becoming Invisible," her interview in The Paris Review, and "I Recommend to You Mary Ruefle's My Private Property" by Jay Ponteri in Essay Daily. Our discussions will be guided with prompts/exercises that center around ideas of Truth, Obsession, and Naivete. Special Guest: Jay Ponteri. 

Week 4: Madness Rack and Honey (Wave Books 2012)

We will turn our attention to writing our own Ruefle inspired work by reading selected lectures from Madness, Rack and Honey. Each student will be asked to read and share imitation poems and short lectures of their own.  

By signing up for this course, you will have access to a discount code for 40% off the purchase price when ordering books for this course directly from Wave Books. Readings will be provided to students who need them.


Zachary Schomburg is the author of four books of poetry including Fjords vol 1 (Black Ocean 2012) which won the Oregon Book Award. His first novel, Mammother, will be published by Featherproof Books in September of 2017. He is a teacher, illustrator and also the publisher of an independent poetry press, Octopus Books. He lives in Portland, OR.