Diagnosing Employee Performance Problems (July 2017)


Diagnosing Employee Performance Problems (July 2017)

from $112.50

Addressing the Root Causes of Underperformance

It's time to think more expansively about employee performance gaps and think past the common go-tos of training and motivation. In this workshop, we'll break down employee performance problems from the ground up. We'll identify 18 environmental and individual causes of why employees underperform. By focusing on the causes, you can come up with better solutions to increase staff productivity.

July 27 Workshop:
Register Now

Thursday July 27, 2017 || Time 9am-noon
Location: Ruby Receptionists, 805 SW Broadway #900, Portland, OR 97205
10 student minimum, 25 student maximum

Corporate rate - $150 // Individual Rate - $112.50 // HR Network Rate - $65

Taught by Douglas Tsoi

No matter how well-run your organization is, and no matter how great your hiring practices are, at some point managers ask, "Why aren't my employees doing what they're supposed to? They need more training!" Many managers turn to extrinsic incentives and consequences. Others invoke employees' intrinsic goals, like a sense of purpose or being part of team. Most of the time, these solutions don't work, causing frustration everywhere.

The problem is our toolset is way too limited for employee performance gaps. In this workshop, you will learn to break down employee performance problems from the ground up. You'll learn to identify 18 environmental and individual causes of why employees underperform. Specifically, we will spend a lot of time talking about environmental obstacles to employee performance, like process redesign and task interferences. By focusing on the causes, you can come up with better solutions for each one. We'll apply this framework to diagnose and work through actual issues at YOUR workplace. Problems will be shared safely and confidentially. Connections will be made; fun will be had. Most importantly, you'll gain new insights, ones that you can take back to your workplace and make you both a better manager and a more valuable employee.

Morning session: Understanding Employee Performance Problems (9am-noon)

  • Identify 18 environmental and individual causes of why employees underperform.
  • Understanding solutions to employee underperformance.

Douglas Tsoi is the founder of Portland Underground Grad School. He has also been a lawyer, and schoolteacher, amongst a few other careers. Before founding PUGS, he was Learning and Engagement Manager for the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) in downtown Portland and has been thinking about employee performance problems for years.