Confronting Racial Bias in Non-Profit and Grassroots Organizing (January 2019)
Confronting Racial Bias in Non-Profit and Grassroots Organizing (January 2019)
Decentering Whiteness for More Equitable Outcomes
Dominant white culture is everywhere and is often the foundation of organizing culture whether we are conscious of it or not. This can make inviting and retaining People of Color in non-profits and grassroots spaces exceptionally difficult. Join us on this journey to unlearn oppressive organizing practices and replace them with words, deeds and actions that create successful multicultural initiatives.
Date: Wednesdays, January 9, 16, 23, 30
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Leftbank Project | 240 N Broadway
Tier A Pricing: $199 ($30/hr or above wage earners)
Tier B Pricing: $149 ($16-29/hr wage earners)
Tier C Pricing: $99 ($15/hr or below wage earners)
See our Pricing + Generosity Policy for more information on tiered pricing.
PUGS is about both learning and community. Register with a friend and get 25% off with the code YOUVEGOTAFRIEND
This course will emphasize practical steps you can take to decenter dominant white organizing culture and welcome marginalized POC to be partners in your efforts. The class time will emphasize exploring individual bias, group dynamics and include exercises to challenge bias and create sustainable change. Participants will come away with strategies to increase participation and leadership from communities of color and decenter whiteness in initiatives.
Week 1. Whiteness as a Culture
Week 2. Exploring Bias in Non-Profit and Grassroots Groups
Week 3. Inclusive VS Exclusive Practices
Week 4. Becoming a Multi-Racial Organizer
Rachelle Dixon is a Woman of Color, and a strong community advocate who is active in Progressive politics. Rachelle has over 20 years of experience working on equity and social justice initiatives in addition to a lifetime of lived experience. She attended the University of Maryland University College BS program and minored in Employment Law. She is currently advocating and organizing on issues related to race, food, land and environmental justice. She also serves as a Mediator with Resolutions Northwest specializing in equity issues. You can find out more about her work at